Friday 30 October 2009

Complete !

I have finally finished The Sims 3 Movie: The Goths Family Album !! Here is a low quality version of the film to watch on here ...... but to watch the higher quality one Visit the official youtube channel -

Keep Reading & Watching !!

James x

Thursday 29 October 2009

Production is Underway !

I can officially announce that the Filming and production has now begun on The Sims 3 Movie: The Goths Family Album. I have filmed most of the footage all in one session and I am now in the early stages of Editing it together. I am going to edit together the footage I have and if I am missing anything I will go back and film the missing scenes. Keep an eye out over the next day or two as I will soon be uploading it to my youtube channel -

Keep Reading and Watching !!

James x

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Update !

Just a quick update for you viewers out there ! I am still in the early stages of making the Sims 3 Movie: The Goths Family Album ! I am still planning and researching the story because as many of you fans know, not much is known about the Goths Childhood so its taking me a while to research and come up with ideas that are believable and keeping with what happens in the Sims 2 Films i've made. But I can assure you filming doesnt take very long and I can have it edited together in 1 day ..... 2 at the most ..... So I am trying my hardest to get it out by the end of the year.

Keep Reading and Watching !

James x

Monday 5 October 2009

Do you have Facebook?

If you have facebook their is now a group dedicated to The Sims Movie Collection. You can get to it Via My Facebook Page which is - or you can search for it via facebook by typing - The Sims Movie Collection. So you can find it easily look out for the groups display Picture which is an image of young Bella and Mortimer.

Please Join !!!

Keep Reading/Watching

From James xx